
The Snake Narrative by Manu Romeiro

Exhibition in MED – Museu Educação e Diversidade and Anagrama-

March 12, at 5:30 PM in MED – Lisbon – Av Berlim 35 C

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Pedro Pereira Leite (2022, 7 Março). The Snake Narrative by Manu Romeiro. Museum on Education and Diversity. Recuperado em 18 de Abril de 2024, de

Por Pedro Pereira Leite

Pedro Pereira Leite:
Guest Professor at Lusophone University where he is a member of the executive board of the UNITWIN Chair of UNESCO "Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity" (2018-2022). He has been a professor in the PhD and Master's programs in Museology since 2011. He is currently promoting the installation of the MED Museum of Global Education and Cultural Diversity, a program to include local knowledge and memories to create sustainable communities.
He is Member of the Direction of the International Movement for a New Museology (MINOM / ICOM). Integrates the member bodies of ICOM Portugal (2014 - 2020). He is part of several research networks and has collaborated with the UNESCO School Network and the Educating Cities Network in Portugal. It develops research activity in Portugal, Spain, Brazil and in Mozambique.
It maintains the research book Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity ( and Social Museology and Ecomuseus in Portugal (
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